On Sunday 7th July 2019 Paul Simpson, St Wilfrid’s Lodge No 8350 2022 Festival Steward, and his wife Denise hosted a summer garden party at their home in Market Harborough to raise funds for the Leicestershire & Rutland 2022 Festival.

The event was well attended by nearly fifty members of St. Wilfrid’s Lodge No.8350 and their families. An enjoyable time was had by all in the glorious sunshine with an impressive cold buffet prepared by Paul & Denise. A raffle was held which was generously supported with a large number of donations from the brethren, which raised a total of £275. There was also a profit made on the catering, leaving a grand total donation for the Leicestershire & Rutland 2022 Festival of £611.
Due to the success of both this years and last year’s events, Paul and Denise have agreed to host this annually during the term of the 2022 Festival.